Scoping Review Findings Presentation on Database System of Thailand National Emission Inventory (TNEI)

November 08, 2024, The Hub of Talents on Air Pollution and Climate (HTAPC), under the National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT), Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research, and Innovation, together with the Collaborating Center for Clean Air and Climate Change (CCCACC), participated in the meeting to present findings from the scoping review on database system of Thailand National Emission Inventory (TNEI). The meeting was held at the Asia Hotel, Ratchathewi, Bangkok, and was also accessible online via Zoom Meeting for remote participants. The purpose of the meeting is to present the findings of the literature review, gather insights and suggestions from experts, and share relevant information, such as emission coefficients and activity data on air pollutant emissions.

Dr. Supat Wangwongwatana, Director of HTAPC, delivered the opening speech for the meeting and assigned researchers to present findings from the scoping review. The presentations covered air pollutant emission inventories for the household, agricultural, transportation, industrial sectors, and other sources. During the session for gathering feedback, participants gained new insights into updated methods for calculating emission coefficients and activity data. Additionally, the session fostered a network of academics experienced in air pollutant emission inventories in Thailand. Ultimately, those responses from the meeting will be used to refine the literature review findings, making them more comprehensive and providing a valuable guideline for the development of the TNEI.

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